Sunday, March 31, 2013


I've been meaning to start up this blog for a while now. As a place to vent or air some thoughts out there. We all ponder the future, future trends, business trends, etc. I want this to be a place where I can get some of my thoughts down and link to some articles that I find relevant.

A year or two ago I was in a phase of being fascinated by 3-D Printing. I imagined opening up a series of Kinko's like 3-D Printing franchises across the World specializing in providing 3-D Printing goods to those who didn't have access to such things. This really is no brilliant concept, but just common sense. Since this time 3-D printers have made massive strides. Really too fast for me to comprehend. They are now capable of printing human organs, and even one architect is going to try to print a building with one. I find this advancement is amazing and frustrating at the same time. And it's one of the reasons for this blog. I just need to jot some things down as they occur to me. Technology and the Economic changes it presents in our world are occurring so fast that sometimes it feels like we are trying to merge on the autobahn with an old VW Van. That once you learn about the next thing it's already too late.

At the very least I hope this blog can help keep you aware of the changes that are coming. I know there are so many people who have no clue how different our World will be in a matter of 5-10 years. And while some of it is great there is a lot that is not great. Let this blog be a reminder of the possibilities good or bad.